Errors in execution of anchor tests in Solana
The problem you are confronted is related to the execution of tests on your Solana blockchain with the anchor structure. When trying to take a test with the “Anker Test” command, it finds an error that indicates a problem of file extension.
Step by step solution
- Check file extensions : Make sure the
files are compiled correctly and have the same file extensions as the corresponding Solana tests. Usually end Solana’s tests with.sol
- Update anchor command : Be sure to use the correct anchor command to compile and perform your test. The command is usually “Anchor Compilation Test
. Replace
Through the real path to your test file.
- Check the Solana Solana Configuration :
Solint is a tool you can register errors in your code. To configure the sun after a better treatment with error, follow the following steps:
- Create aSolint.jsonconfiguration file in your regular directory of your project.
- Enter the path to the executable solhlint file in the "Solhint.json" file and set the rules according to.
For example:
“Regulatory”: [“
“Way”: “/USR/Bin/Solint”
Anchor Compile-test /home/ahmed/development/your-x/tests/your-x.ts
- Check that your tests are performed correctly :
Upon performing compiled tests, make sure you will be performed correctly, checking output or protocols for “Typeror: Unknown File Extension” errors.
– Make sure you have installed the necessary facilities in the regular directory of your project.
– Make sure conflicts between solint rules and other tool settings (eg NPM or Yarn).
– Make sure the test files do not contain syntax errors, but still cause “Typeror”.
If you follow these steps, you can correct the error that is attributed to the anchor with the compilation and execution of tests on your blockchain solana.