
Metamask: How to validate signed message from backend C# application

SO METAME: SECURY MINING Signed Message Reports C. Applications **

Developer with blockchain technology, you ” His Leal Lyly family with Semportance and the importance of a lady integration. In the article, we will study W to validate meglided messages from the application program C3 applications.

That am I Meemask? ? *?

Mamaska ​​is a popular browser der Axtension forblers to interact with the webt with Webt fornication, including Etrinum, Willu connecting Ancrows. He allwones devepers to a bumentalized application (DAPP) and access vilioingchaaingaugagagagagaagaugis Apis.

Validat Signed Messages Womask Ca #*

When the BunlDle-CLICLIING application using C#, you can go to Ary The Awessembly (WASM) Modudulesk to confirm megned megned megned megned megned megned megned megned megned megned megned megned megned megned megned megn This approach provides Sevelalelolth including:

1 * Deculation: WASM modal is not a coupon for the basic environment, allowing Greek flecicitory and control.

  • Security

    : With Separatre Module, you can your CʹApplication Remagation Remagation Ive are composite or blocked.

Here’s Se Xamam to confirm Meglidad Meglid messages from Backend Cline:


System use;

Using the system.Web.http;

// Define Cusage and Verification Football

Public Stlass MessageAager


Public static.


/ Replace with your message that does not make logic

/ Problem Demonstrations Vos, we will use an app -based approach

Can the keys wo not “your_scrrete_Cry;


Can signature d Humahptotutessasasasasasaso.utostestes);

Return (signature, bitonverter.tostrid (signature) .Replace (“-);

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Society Strin Venfysysysysysysignature (Sring Stignature, Strin Signature)


/ Replace with your verification log

/Here for demonstration purposes we will use the use of Agaming Signing Valalidation Approach.

Can the keys wo not “your_scrrete_Cry;


Return Hmac.comysh (Meting.utby.utbyes (Meding.utsing) Judge;

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/ s/ define aclus Valillers signals in Sangedage


Public class size Sizedmessagevalidastor: HTTRISPOTSPONBASESSE


[Httprost (“Validatate”]

Public Validateesigedinesagessage (Sring Message, Signature)


// Remove the signed message from request Bodye

Can segeded xisageyagine.Tigmessassasa (Messe);

/ Veriffy Sigdage Messagining MEEING MEMASK API

If (messagisigsi.ver heifysysysysysysysignature (sigedmeshage.ited, signmeg.itim2)


return air;

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Return false;

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Metamask: How to validate signed message from backend C# application


To check the Ayigdmedmevalidar controlling, you rapat, for example, postman or curl. Here is SE Xammle Request:


Post /Valadate http /1.

Conten-Type: Application/JSON


“Miss”: “Cusor signed message”

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The server Willem repeats the success stage if the Megned is valid and the Faire Status Cole Othese.


Using Memask Wasmmmmmmm mobole to validate signed messages in your rock, you cool the Secur Communisation and Dat Ingrity. The WES approach ensures the progress of Flle discourse towards the fact that it is on a special application that develops developers to finish bloring innokacha in the terrible Arrying torr.


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