
Ethereum: How to interact with bitcoind using C++?

Inrage Wit Bitcoin with C ++: Guide to Bitcoined API

Bitcoin is widely used for both development and the production of decentralized nature. How companion, access to Bitcoin online from the program. The Corre Bree Library sometimes offers a way to interact with Bitcoin-QT with WITT on the C ++ program using the Bitcoin application interface.

Leave this article by setting a C ++ project using the Thaase Bitcound extended process. This allows you to interact with Bircotin without having to install the python or external.

* Prewits

Before continuing sweat you are:

  • C ++ installed in the system (eg GCC).



Install addiction

To turn c ++


Install the translated


The top side was the guide to the core of the core of the Bitco core

Use the Bite-Python Library (they yu ‘python 3.x)



C ++ code *

Create a new C ++





// Defining a function of birth Bircot and

vidtobitcoined () {

t :: string url = "http: // Localhost: // Localhost: 8332"; // Replace with a local host and gate


// Create a new contact person

CARCIIN :: Connection Conn (URL);

/ / Set the RPC user and password (replace your)

As a result ("you_usere);

Contentpassword ("Yur_Password);

// Bircoing Sing RPC


T :: Cout << "connected to Bitcoin network ::::: Focus;

} k dot (const st t :: exposition & e) {

t :: cer << "An error connecting a bitcoune:" << E.WHAT () <<< s ::::: Yunc;



int man () {

// call the contact person

Contectobitcoine ()

reputation 0;




This C ++ code creates a new CONCUNICATION object using Voico :: Connection ', White Ir S Braper on the BitcoinED application interface. We set the RPC user and password to the builder and call.) To determine the consignment to the vietname.

In this experiment, we use the hard code URL (http: // Localhost: // Localhost: 8332 ') for an exam. You ask for your own GLO and the gate to connect to a bitcound installation.

To complete the C ++ program

Ethereum: How to interact with bitcoind using C++?

Complete the use of the code:


G ++ or Bitcoin_ Interactor.cpp


Complete the use of the program:



“ S

The program prints on “Bitcoin connected to the Bitcoin network indicates that the S ordering for local Bitcozed.

with the network attachment

Once you have set up a concert, you can use the Vocan :: Connection ‘destination to receive vaccines, subtle chemistry and events, check your holidays, check balacia, organizations. For more information, see the officer’s Bitcoin Core Library documentation.

By following this here, you are now interacting with the local bitko manifestation using C ++ from such a separate process that uses python. This allows for the development and testing of variants without free time based externally depending on the dependence or installation software.

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