
Ethereum: How to get constant symbol value in ethers v6

Ethereum: How to get permanent symbol value in ether v6

As an Ethereum developer, you are probably known with the many contracts and features available on the platform. One important aspect is the understanding of how to get special constants or values ​​using a ether library that is widely used for interaction with Ethereum Blockchain.

In this article, we will study how to get permanent symbol values ​​in Ethers V6, liver, liver, library.

Understanding context

Before diving into the code, we will quickly review the permanent value of the symbol. Ethereum constants are values ​​that cannot be changed when they are defined. They serve as a way to store pre -calculated values ​​or metadata on contracts, allowing developers to access easily and use dissertation values ​​using their projects.

Ethers V6 You can create a constant use of the keyword “Const”, followed by the name and value. These constants are stored in a series of “Constantvalue, which is returned to the ether library when creating or updating contracts.

Code: Obtaining Permanent Symbols

Here is an example of a code fragment that shows how to get permanent symbol values ​​using Ethers V6:


Import {ethers} from “ethers”;

// Define a contract with permanent value

Contract contract = {

Constantvalue1: {

Value: ethers.constant.uint8,



export default contract;


In this example, we define an object called “contract” with one constant value. This constant value is preserved in the “value of” Konstantvalue1 “object.

Creating a contract with permanent symbol values ​​

You can use the `.Createcontract () Method: Method:


Agreement Agreement = Ethers.createcontract ({

// Import the definition of contract from the file

Both: […],



In this case, we set up a contract with both (application binary interface) that define a number of features, including getqrtratiattick. The "GetqrtratiOttick" function requires two arguments: the current mite number and value to calculate the SQRT factor.

You can use Constantvalue to retrieve the values ​​of the Constantvalue:


contract.Get constant value (‘Constantvalue1.Value’, 0);


This will return ethers.onstant.uint8 case, which is a pre -calculated value retained in the value of” Constantvalue1 “values.

Example of use of use

Ethereum: How to get constant symbol value in ethers v6

Here is a complete example of showing how to get permanent symbol values:


Import {ethers} from “ethers”;

Import a contract from ‘./ Agreement’;

// Define a contract with permanent symbol values

Contract contract = {

Constantvalue1: {

Value: ethers.constant.uint8,



export default contract;

ASYNC Function Main () {

// Create a new case of contract

Contract contract = wait for ethers.createcontract ({

Both: […],


// Retrieve the constant value of the symbol

Conste value = wait for the contract.GEG Constant value (‘Constantvalue1.Value’, 0);

Console.log (Standing Symbol value is $ {value );


Main ();

In this example, we are creating a new case of “contract” using Ethers V6. We then retrieve the constant value of the symbol “Constantvalue1.Value”, which is preserved in the “values” of the contract.

That’s it! Using these examples and code fragments, you should now be able to get permanent symbol values ​​of Ethers V6 using the `library”.


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