
Ethereum: How can I except “Event loop is closed” error?

* Earror of the Eleteum event: A guide to soving the vendor of the loop is shlosed” *

As a developer who uses Python transactions for Binance Futures, you probedly counted the dreaded “Event loop”. Thissible beloved cause your program to end suddenly, live beamed incomplete or inconsistent data. In this article, we will deed the causes of this of this error and proving step by step to solve it.

underesting of the event loop

Intends Python library, white use of the construction of concomminant programs, an event look is responsible for managing tasks. What a task ends, the event looks is are wasting for resources. Iif there no matter, it’s id about the event loop shy and the program together.

The causes of the error “The event loop is the closed” *

The error “the event loop is susually occups wee or more takess sks are are blocked (pendding) on ​​the/o operations (input/exit, network, etc.), without at theving back to the event loop. This cann for variations, inclining:

  • Operations are relating to I/O : Was aesk performances with I/O operation, subding freing feled a file or sending date, t block endless.

  • Awaiting the completion of takes *: If tw or more looks are expelled on each other, the event loop bencome blocked, which leads to the event “the event loop”.

Solutions to solve

To solve the error of “the event loop is your closed”, you must musicke supreme that tha your program with the program and after endlessness. Hee is some solutions tory:

1. Use the/or library library

Inscause of use Python (eg, AioHttp) asynchronous libraries, using Cysts’, steel or select’. The belly libraries have provided direct access to synthesis and s selp prevent blockages.


Import Cysts

Ethereum: How can I except



Perform I/O operation her

Cypes.c_int (1)

simulate some /o operations

accept the exam tits:

printed (froar: {ee}”)

2. Use an execution frame

The Asyncio Python library offs a loop of events a loop of events are concommitted with a seated wire wire or processes. Howver, white working external hallways of the take, it is the essential to ensurment proper sychronization.

To avoid blocking the events in the main thread, you can use a silent library or a man manager. t mome. She was an exactly using using:


Import threading

Def Perform_task ():

Performance and I/O operations her

Cypes.c_int (1)

simulate some /o operations

Lock = Fileting.lock ()

Def Main ():

task = threading (target = performing = performing)



Do mething elected ruins



sk.join ()


####. Using a tail – vessels

A tail -ball solution at all the execution of parallel wit without each orer.


Import tax

Import threading

Class Task:

Def __init __ (self):

Self. Queue. Queue.cheee ()

Def submissk (selves, take):

Self.queue.Look. Four (sk, none)

Def Perform_task (Pregancy, Lock):


Performance and I/O operations her

Cypes.c_int (1)

simulate some /o operations



Prit (“Ask compleed”)

Create a cup of work and sent - the cups

Queed = taskqueue ()

tasks = []

for the in the range (10):

take = threading.thread (target = performing = arts = (i,)


Task.Apped ((sk, "sk {}". Fort (i)))

Roll the main thread taps ruin in parallel

Def Main ():

For check, message in checks:

sk.join ()



token token investment

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